Sea Challenge
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Journal 20-08-00
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Journal 21-06-00
Journal 02-06-00
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Journal 21-02-00
Journal 10-02-00
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Journal 28-12-00
Journal  07-12-99
Journal  26-11-99
Journal  12-11-99
Journal  29-10-99
Journal 02-06-00

Cliftonville, East Kent

FEARS UNFOUNDED – Any ideas that I had about being an outsider from Brunei breaking in to an already established group swiftly left my mind as I joined  team 'Isle of Man' at the Mayflower Marina in Plymouth.  Within the first day, I had scrubbed the decks, done a lot of washing up and had my head, for a long time, down the bilges sponging out excess water. Yes, team, another cleaner and fixer had arrived! Let's face it, there's a LOT of very ordinary, daily maintenance to do on boats before you go sailing.

Celebrating the shakedown

7am The Isle of Man team  arrive in London for the parade of sail.

LOFTY IDEAS – Having volunteered to spend some time at the top of our mast at the start of London Week was something that did not pass unnoticed by our Skipper. I had such a good time up there that sunny Saturday morning on the fleet's arrival. 

Such fun!

Accordingly, when another 'little' job needed doing on the return journey down the Thames Estuary, it didn't take long before I was told about it! Well, I asked myself, could it be so different travelling up the leech, the diagonal side of the sail? Well, it certainly was! How was it achieved? I'll let you think about it for a bit!

Mast monkey arrives in the city

E-MAIL - It's quite an addiction, isn't it? How will I get on for the next 6 weeks away from my keyboard? It doesn't bear thinking about!

Guestbook updated? Yes / Legs 1-2 updated? Yes / Legs 3-4 updated? Yes / Legs 5-7 updated? Yes

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