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Sea Challenge
Sea Story
Report writing
Just for fun!
Report writing

Look at the page about the race crew. This shows names, home towns and countries, ages and occupations of the crew. As well as this, you can see who is part of the 'core crew', that is, who is doing the whole race, and who is a 'legger', i.e. doing one leg only.

1.   Including the Skipper, how many people on the Isle of Man are aiming to sail
      all the way around the world?   
2.   How many people are going to sail one leg only?
3.   How many men are in the core crew and how many women are there?
4.   Where do they all come from? Which countries?
5.   What is the average age overall? (Yes, it's Maths too!)
6.   What is the average age for the men?
7.   What is the average age for the women?
8.   How do they each earn a living?
9.   When you have analysed the information, discuss with a partner what you could
      say about  the team in a brief summary.
10. Now try and write it down in no more than 120 words!



We cannot be sure of people's personalities simply by looking at their faces, or even their names and ages but if we consider the jobs or careers they have chosen, we can make some assumptions about their individual characteristics. Discuss the following questions with a partner.

What kind of people are they?
Who would you expect to be ….

        a) the most caring and sensitive?
        b) the most practical?
        c) the most analytical?
        d) an organiser?
        e) good at fixing things?
        f)  good with their words?
        g) good with their money?
        h) a water-babe?

To complete the race, the crews will need courage, determination and will-power.
Would you like to take part in the BT Global Challenge in 2004-2005?


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